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EP2 - Complete : When Sound Art and Spoken Word Meet for Political Action

How can spoken word and sound art contribute to politically oriented research-creation practices ? In this episode, we discuss spoken word and sound art. Most specifically, we explore the cultural, aesthetical, theoretical and political challenges of projects mixing language and sonic compositions. From performing Lakota epistemologies, to revealing the hidden cultures of Armenian genocide victims or archiving Mexican sound poetry, our guests share the opportunities, challenges and ethical considerations coming with research-creation practices aiming at making misrepresented or unnoticed realities visible and heard.   Guests : André Éric Létourneau - Artist, radio host, professor at UQAM’s École des médias and member of the Groupe de recherche sur la médiatisation du son (GRMS) Patil Tchilinguirian - Graphic designer, artist and Design Master’s candidate at Concordia University Aurelio Meza Valdez - Writer, bookmaker and Ph.D. student at Concordia University and UNAM in Mexico City Suzanne Kite - Performance artist, composer and Ph.D student at Concordia University Continue your exploration of research-creation on:

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